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Reflective Design

This lecture describes reflective design as a practice involving open design creation for critical reflection on one's attitudes, relationships, experiences, etc. As part of this, it outlines the theoretical perspectives that form the basis for reflective design, including, ludic design and reflection-in-action. This lecture provides core theoretical perspectives for speculative design.

Students will learn methods to reflect on design from a variety of theoretical perspectives.

Lecture Materials:


  • Sengers, P., Boehner, K., David, S., and Kaye, J. (2005) Reflective Design, Proceedings of AARHUS 2005, ACM Press.
  • Gaver, W., and Martin, H (2000) Alternatives: Exploring Information Appliances through Conceptual Design Proposals, Proceedings of CHI 2000, ACM Press. {.pdf}

Riddle Questions:

Do the above Readings and then answer these questions.

  1. Is one bit (e.g., light on/off) enough to communicate intimacy? Why or why not?
  2. Describe how one of the design's from Gaver and Martin's paper includes at least three of the six Reflective Design Strategies identified in Senger's paper on Pages 56 and 57.
  3. Is there anything you didn't understand?
  • Go here to answer them.