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Site / DesignNoir

Critical Design & Design Noir

This lecture presents the alternative design perspective of focusing on the underrepresented needs of people as opposed to usability and usefulness. It outlines the broad range of human needs according to Maslow's hierarchy of needs and reflects on the focus of modern technology in relation to this. It presents several example design proposals that focus on pleasure, danger, death, etc.

Students will learn to think broadly about design for a variety of human needs, many of which are not typically the focus of designers.


  • Dunne, A. and Raby, F. (2001) Design Noir, Chapter 3.
  • Dunne, A. and Raby, F. (2001) Design Noir, Chapters 4 and 5.
  • Wodiczko, K. (1999) Critical Vehicles: Writing, Projects, Interviews, MIT Press. Excerpt: Homeless Vehicle Project.

Lecture Materials:

Riddle Questions:

Do the above Readings and then answer these questions.

  1. It's the night before your best friend's birthday and you realize you forgot to buy a gift (bad friend!). The only store open is the Dunne and Raby Design Shop. You can purchase any of the items described in Chapters 3 - 5 of their book. What do you buy for your best friend and why?
  2. What do you think of when you see a homeless person and did your view change after seeing the new shopping cart? (be honest, there is no right or wrong answer)
  3. Is there anything you didn't understand?
  • Go here to answer them.