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Assignment 2: Short Paper and In-Class Group Discussion (15%)

The goal of this short paper assignment is to practice identifying and analyzing methodological approaches, research designs, and data collection and analysis methods for an existing piece of research.

Choose a paper from one of the three lenses of research:

1. Effective - experimental

  • Kruijff, E., Marquardt, A., Trepkowski, C., Lindemann, R., Hinkenjann, A., Maiero, J., & Riecke, B. E. (2016). On Your Feet! Enhancing Self-Motion Perception in Leaning-Based Interfaces through Multisensory Stimuli (pp. 149–158). Presented at the ACM Symposium on Spatial User Interaction (SUI ’16), Tokyo, Japan: ACM. doi:10.1145/2983310.2985759 (.pdf)

2. Experience - observational

  • Rui Pan, Henry Lo, and Carman Neustaedter. 2017. Collaboration, Awareness, and Communication in Real-Life Escape Rooms. In Proceedings of the 2017 Conference on Designing Interactive Systems (DIS '17). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 1353-1364. DOI:

3. Creation - design or art based approaches

  • Audrey Desjardins and Ron Wakkary. 2016. Living In A Prototype: A Reconfigured Space. In Proceedings of the 2016 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '16). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 5274-5285. DOI:

Read the paper, discuss it with your peers during class activities, and then write a report of maximum 1600 words that reflects on and analyzes the paper. You should format your paper according to the publication format usually used in the journals or conferences that you and your supervisor would typically submit to. You must also use the citation/reference style used as a part of these submissions. For example, I usually submit to the ACM CHI Conference, so I would the ACM CHI Proceedings format and citation style found here.

Your report should answer these questions:

  • What was the worldview and strategy of inquiry? (1%)
  • What was the methodology? (1%)
  • What were the methods used to collect data? (1%)
  • What work did theory do? (1%)
  • How was validity assessed? (1%)
  • What, if any, ethical concerns existed with the work? (1%) (Note: you aren't necessarily looking for ethical problems with the published work. You are looking for ethical concerns that the researchers would have need to address.)
  • Why do you think the authors chose their approaches, including worldviews, methodology, methods? (2%)
  • Do the types of the knowledge claims fit with the approach? Explain why you believe so. (2%)
  • Can you think of other approaches to conduct the research? Why might they be valid? (2%)

We will grade you on each of the above plus an additional 3% for one's ability to write clearly and effectively.


Bring a paper copy to class of your report.

Assignments over the word/page limit will receive a penalty of 10% or only be graded up to the word/page limit, at the discretion of the instructor.