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Site / ValueSensitiveDesign

Value Sensitive Design

This lecture describes value sensitive design as a method for thinking about, creating, and evaluating designs where one explores the human values that the design upholds or does not. This lecture provides one of the core theoretical perspectives for speculative design.

Lecture Materials:


  • Friedman, B. (1996) Value Sensitive Design, Interactions, Volume 3 Issue 6, Nov./Dec. 1996 {.pdf}
  • Millette, L., Friedman, B., and Felten, E. (2001) Cookies and Web Browser Design: Toward Realizing Informed Consent Online, Proc. CHI, ACM Press. {.pdf}

Riddle Questions:

Do the above Readings and then answer these questions.

  1. You are playing a new online massively multiplayer game and creating your avatar for the first time. You are asked to choose one of three basic adventurers you want to be—a male thief, a male magician, or a male warrior. What is the problem with this according to value sensitive design?
  2. What technology do you feel does not represent your values in its design and why?
  3. Is there anything you didn't understand?
  • Go here to answer them.